

Phofo ea lekhasi la Moringa: tsela ea hau ea ho phela hantle.

Phofo ea makhasi a Moringa

Phofo ea makhasi a Moringake lijo tse monate haholo tse senyang lefatše la bophelo bo botle. Phofo e kotuloa makhasing a matala a sefate sa Moringa oleifera 'me e koahetse boleng ba livithamine tsa tlhaho.

Seliba sa Bophelo
Grama ka 'ngoe eaPhofo ea Lekhasi la Moringake polokelo ea limatlafatsi tse fetang 90, ho kenyeletsoa livithamini tsa bohlokoa, liminerale, li-antioxidants, le li-amino acid. E emela mpho ea tlhaho ho ba batlang ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba bona le mekhoa ea bophelo bo botle.

Ntlo ea matla ea Antioxidant
ThePhofo ea Lekhasi la Moringake mohloli o ruileng oa li-polyphenols le flavonoids, tse sebetsang e le li-antioxidants tse matla, tse khonang ho loantša li-radicals tsa mahala le ho khothalletsa bophelo bo botle ba lisele. E fana ka 'mele ka tšireletso e hlokahalang ho loantša liphello tsa khatello ea letsatsi le letsatsi.

Limatlafatsi-tse teteaneng, Khalori-Smart
Bakeng sa ba etelletsang bophelo bo botle pele le ho beha leihlo ho ja likhalori tsa bona, Moringa Leaf Powder ke khetho e nepahetseng. Ke lijo tse nang le phepo e nepahetseng tse nang le lik'halori tse batlang li le tlase, e leng se etsang hore e be tlatsetso e nepahetseng ho lijo tse phetseng hantle le tse tsitsitseng.


A re boneng mokhoa oa ho etsa lijo tse monate ka ho fetisisaPhofo ea makhasi a Moringa:

☕ Moringa LatteMetsoako: kopi e le 1 ea lebese la oatmeal (mabese a mang a thehiloeng limela a lokile), 1 tbsp ea phofo ea moringa, 1 tbsp ea mahe a linotsi.
Litaelo: eketsa phofo ea moringa le mahe a linotsi ka kopi ebe u kopanya hantle. Chesa lebese la oat, e kenye ka senoelong ebe u kopanya hantle.

Melemo e ka bang teng ea Moringa e mengata ebile e ngotsoe hantle. Ho kenyelletsa phofo ea rona ea Lekhasi la Moringa lijong tsa rona tsa letsatsi le letsatsi ho ka etsa hore ho be le phetoho e makatsang. Ka ts'ebeletso e 'ngoe le e' ngoe, motho o tsetela ka hloko ho ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle le bophelo bo botle.
Ho qala leeto lena, beha odara ea hau kajeno 'me u qale ho kenyelletsa phepo ea tlhaho bophelong ba hau ba sejoale-joale. Tsela ea ho phela hantle ka ho feletseng e qala ka ho fafatsoa ha mohlolo oa Moringa.


Nako ea poso: Aug-09-2024